
A one-layer object position estimator using the expected value

on Regards: Machine Learning; Neural Networks; Convolution Neural Networks;

The position estimation of objects in images is usually implemented by multi-layer convolutional neural networks, which final layer is a linear function. These networks often support scale-invariance, due to the convolution layers.

For very basic applications, such an approach can be more than needed and lead to a long training time and high memory consumption.

If scale invariance is not needed, the following approach can be used to create a one-layer object position detection neural network. The input images are processed as follows:

  1. Apply a Sobel filter.
  2. Apply a convolutional layer, ReLU and divide by the maximum value.
  3. Raise the values of the output to the power of 5 or a higher number.
  4. Normalize the output.
  5. Calculate the expected value of the image.

(Note, that some steps have been omitted to provide a simpler explanation)

Steps 2 to 4 will enforce that the output is a probability distribution. Due to the exponentiation in step 3, the maximum will remain while local minimia will disappear.

The following picture shows a test picture (original is from Ten smiley faces have been added to a background image. The model was trained to find the only happy face on this image.

Original picture

The next picture shows the output of step 2.

Output of step 2

The last picture shows the output of step 4.

Output of step 4

In a training with 30 images with the Adam optimizer, this approach converges after about 50 epochs, which shows that this method is suitable for this task.