
A one-layer object position estimator using the expected value

on Regards: Machine Learning; Neural Networks; Convolution Neural Networks;

The position estimation of objects in images is usually implemented by multi-layer convolutional neural networks, which final layer is a linear function. These networks often support scale-invariance, due to the convolution layers.

For very basic applications, such an approach can be more than needed and lead to a long training time and high memory consumption.

If scale invariance is not needed, the following approach can be used to create a one-layer object position detection neural network. The input images are processed as follows:

  1. Apply a Sobel filter.
  2. Apply a convolutional layer, ReLU and divide by the maximum value.
  3. Raise the values of the output to the power of 5 or a higher number.
  4. Normalize the output.
  5. Calculate the expected value of the image.

(Note, that some steps have been omitted to provide a simpler explanation)

Steps 2 to 4 will enforce that the output is a probability distribution. Due to the exponentiation in step 3, the maximum will remain while local minimia will disappear.

The following picture shows a test picture (original is from Ten smiley faces have been added to a background image. The model was trained to find the only happy face on this image.

Original picture

The next picture shows the output of step 2.

Output of step 2

The last picture shows the output of step 4.

Output of step 4

In a training with 30 images with the Adam optimizer, this approach converges after about 50 epochs, which shows that this method is suitable for this task.

Dotnet docker experiences

on Regards: Infrastructure; Docker; Azure;

Transitioning an Application from On-Premises to Azure Docker Containers

In a previous blog post, I discussed the process of migrating an on-premises application to an Azure Scale Set. Recently, I had again the opportunity to transition an existing .NET background service to Azure using docker. A key distinction between the previously migrated application and the one targeted for this migration was its lack of Windows dependencies. This meant that the application could be feasibly migrated to a Docker container.

Starting with docker containers

Despite my limited experience with Docker containers, I was eager to delve deeper and expand my knowledge. I immersed myself in numerous documentation resources to understand how to create a Docker container using a Dockerfile. Most examples demonstrated the use of a Linux base image and the building of the application using the .NET CLI like the following:

FROM AS build-env

# Copy everything
COPY . ./
# Restore as distinct layers
RUN dotnet restore
# Build and publish a release
RUN dotnet publish -c Release -o out

# Build runtime image
COPY --from=build-env /App/out .
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "DotNet.Docker.dll"]

The private nuget feed problem

The above Dockerfile works great for applications that do not have dependencies on private nuget feeds. However, as you might have anticipated, the application targeted for migration did rely on a private NuGet feed. One potential workaround for this predicament would be to incorporate the credentials for the private NuGet feed directly into the Dockerfile. There are different ways to accomplish this, one of them can be read here Consuming private NuGet feeds from a Dockerfile in a secure and DevOps friendly manner.

While this approach might seem straightforward, it’s not without its drawbacks. Apart from the glaring security implications, the process of making these adjustments can be quite cumbersome.

Fortunately, the .NET CLI comes to the rescue, offering support for building Docker images with the command dotnet publish --os linux --arch x64 /t:PublishContainer -c Release. The Docker image was constructed within a CI/CD pipeline, an environment already authenticated and granted access to the private NuGet feed. As a result there was no need for additional configuration.


      - task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
        displayName: 'dotnet restore'
          command: 'restore'
          projects: '*.sln'
          feedsToUse: 'config'
          nugetConfigPath: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/nuget.config'
      - task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
        displayName: 'dotnet build'
        condition: succeeded()
          command: 'build'
      - task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
        displayName: 'dotnet publish'
          command: 'publish'
          arguments: '-c Release --os linux --arch x64 /t:PublishContainer /p:ContainerImageTag=latest /p:ContainerRepository=DotNetDockerTemp'
          projects: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/src/**/DotNetDockerTemp.csproj
          feedsToUse: 'config'
          nugetConfigPath: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/nuget.config'

      - task: PowerShell@2
          targetType: 'inline'
          script: |
            docker save DotNetDockerTemp:latest -o $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/DotNetDockerTemp.tar

      - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1

(1. Code snippet from the build pipeline)

Please notice if you want to create a docker image based on the alpine image, you need to specify the correct runtime identifier (RID) for the alpine image, otherwise you will not be able to start the application. You can find the RIDs here: RID catalog and more about the issue here.

dotnet publish -c Release --runtime=linux-musl-x64 /t:PublishContainer /p:ContainerImageTag=latest /p:ContainerRepository=DotNetDockerTemp /'

Multiple Enviroments and the appsettings.json

You may have noticed in the above build pipeline that we are using the dotnet publish /t:PublishContainer command. This command builds and publishes the Docker image to the local Docker repository. While this is excellent for local development, it raises questions about handling multiple environments and the appsettings.json file.

To address this, we save the local published Docker image into the DotNetDockerTemp.tar file and add it to the artifacts of the build pipeline (see 1. Code snippet from the build pipeline). During the release pipeline, we download the artifact and load the Docker image into the local Docker repository using the docker load -i DotNetDockerTemp.tar command.

Next, we tackle the appsettings.json file. For this, we require the FileTransform@1 task, which transforms the appsettings.json file based on the environment. While we can’t inject the appsettings.json file into the existing Docker image DotNetDockerTemp:latest, we can create a new Docker image based on the existing one.


  - task: PowerShell@2
    displayName: "Inject" appsettings.json into docker image
      targetType: "inline"
      script: |
       docker create --name dockertemp DotNetDockerTemp:latest

       docker cp appsettings.json dockertemp:/app/appsettings.json     
       docker commit dockertemp DotNetDockerFinal:latest

  - task: AzureCLI@2
    displayName: Azure Container Registry Login
      scriptType: 'pscore'
      scriptLocation: 'inlineScript'
      inlineScript: |
        az acr login --name $(AzureContainerRegistryLoginName)
        docker push [...]
  1. Code snippet from the release pipeline

Finally, as a last step, we could push the docker image to the Azure Container Registry.

Custom DNS and SSL Certificates

Upon starting the Azure Container Instance (ACI), I discovered that the service was unable to access certain endpoints. After conducting some investigations, connecting to the container instance with az container exec (or using the azure portal) and probing with nslookup and related commands, I deduced that the Docker container instance was incapable of resolving our custom domain names. This is understandable, as the Docker container instance does not know our custom DNS server. This issue can be resolved by configuring the dnsConfig for your ACI.

With the updated settings, the app was able to resolve the endpoint but encountered an exception due to an invalid SSL certificate. Once again, this is logical as the Docker container instance is unaware of our custom SSL certificate. To enable the app or the operating system to accept the custom certificate of our endpoint, we need to add the public key of the certificate to the trusted root certificates of the Docker container instance. I was unable to find a method to accomplish this within the pipeline using the Docker command line. Consequently, I opted to create a custom Docker image based on the existing one and add the public key of the certificate to the trusted root certificates of the Docker container instance.

FROM DotNetDockerTemp:latest AS base

# Second stage: Use the Alpine image
FROM AS final

# Copy files from the first stage
COPY --from=base /app /app
USER root

COPY ["certificate.crt", "/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/"]
RUN apk add --no-cache ca-certificates
RUN update-ca-certificates


ENTRYPOINT ["/app/DotNetDocker"]
CMD ["-s"]

This dockerfile use the docker image which was previously created with the dotnet publish /t:PublishContainer [...] command and add the public key of the certificate to the trusted root certificates of the docker container instance. Since the app DotNetDocker needs to be started with DotNetDocker -s we need to add the -s to the CMD command. To build the docker image using the dockerfile we can use the following command:

docker buildx build -f src/Dockerfile . -t localhost:5000/DotNetDockerFinal:latest --no-cache --progress=plain

  • -f: Path to the dockerfile
  • .: Path to the context; current directory where docker buildx build is executed (important for the COPY command)
  • -t: Tag of the docker image
  • –no-cache: Do not use cache when building the image
  • –progress=plain: Show the progress of the build

Wrapping Up

Transitioning the application into a Docker container proved to be a swift and straightforward process. However, it’s important to note that this journey can entail numerous considerations that may demand a significant investment of time, particularly when the source code of the application is not open to modifications.

I’m eager to hear your thoughts on this process. Would you have approached it differently? Do you have any queries or insights to share? Your feedback is invaluable, and I look forward to our continued discussions on this topic.

Hands on - Azure Scale Sets

on Regards: Azure; Infrastructure;

Why Azure Scale Sets?

To set the stage, let’s first delve into the context and requirements of our scenario. Our clientele primarily utilizes our application during a specific recurring time frame in the afternoon to streamline their business operations. The application was hosted on-premises on a limited number of static machines.

While it’s possible to horizontally scale the application by incorporating additional machines, this approach has its limitations. It requires significant manual intervention and lacks the flexibility to adapt to fluctuating demand. This is where Azure Scale Sets come into play.

Azure Scale set is a group of identical, scaling VMs when using Orchestration mode Uniform (optimized for large scale stateless workloads with identical instances). Which means, you cannot have in your scale set virtual machines with different hardware specifications. There is also the option flexible: achieve high availability at scale with identical or multiple virtual machine types.

Since the on-premise machines should be decommissioned soon, we decided to migrate the application to Azure. The application has some dependencies to the Windows operating system and is not yet ready to be containerized. This was the main reason why we had to choose Azure Scale Sets over azure Kubernetes.


There are different scaling types:

  • Manual scaling
    • define manual how many VMs you want to have in your scale set
    • (Fig 1. manual scaling)
  • Time based scaling
    • You can define a schedule to scale up or down the number of VMs in the scale set. This is useful if you know the demand for your application will increase or decrease at specific times.
    • (Fig 2. time based scaling)
  • Metric based scaling (CPU, Memory, Network, Disk I/O, etc.)
    • This is provided out of the box. Each VM in the scale set will have a metric agent installed that will send the metrics to Azure Monitor.
  • Log based scaling (Application logs, Event logs, etc.)
    • For this you need to customize your app and write specific logs or metrics, which can be than used to scale the VMs. For example, you could track the number of business cases that needs to be processed and scale the VMs based on that.

Considering the substantial costs associated with running multiple VMs, log-based scaling could be an optimal choice. This is because CPU and memory metrics may not always accurately indicate the necessary number of instances. However, implementing log-based scaling could be quite labor-intensive. As we preferred not to modify the application and knew that our application’s demand would fluctuate at specific times, we opted for time-based scaling.

Application deployment within the scale set

Now the question is, how do we get the application to the virtual machine’s instances in the azure scale set? First you need to find a proper base image for the VMs. We use a base image provided by microsoft with 1GB RAM and 1 CPU as this was sufficient for our application. Base images with more RAM and CPU are also available but they are more expensive. Keep in mind, that the azure web portal does not provide all base images. You can find more base images using the azure cli.

The most straightforward method to install your application onto the VM involves storing the application in a blob storage and downloading it during the VM creation. But how do we achieve this?

We have three alternatives:

  • Azure DSC Extension (Desired State Configuration)
    • This seems to be complex, outdated and not recommended anymore.
  • Azure Custom Script Extension
    • This is really straight forward. From the azure portal you can select from an existing blog storage a powershell script which will be executed during the VM creation. This script can be used to download the application from the blob storage and install it on the VM. Bear in mind that the script will be executed only once during the VM creation. If you want to update the application, you need to create a new VM. Also, if you install a lot of software on the VM, the VM creation will take a lot of time. This brings us to the third option.
  • Custom Image
    • You create your own image with all the software you need. Using the custom image for the VMs your application would be much sooner ready compared to the Azure custom Script Extension approach. Building such an image can take a lot of time and you also would need some staging environment to test the images. Also, you probably need to update the image from time to time. This would not be necessary if you use the provided Microsoft base images as they contain always the latest hot patches.

In our scenario the Azure Custom Script Extension was the best option, as it seems to be straight forward, and we didn’t need to install a lot of software on the VMs. The final solution consisted of a resource group with the following resources:

  • Storage account
    • contain a PowerShell script which is downloading the application as zip file from the blob storage and installing it on the VM
    • the application itself as zip file
  • Azure Scale Set as Managed Identity which can access the storage account using its system assigned identity
  • Application Insights (which is used by the application)

Final Picture

(Fig 3. Architecture Azure Scale Set)

The application which should be hosted in the azure scale set already had a CICD pipeline. The pipeline was extended and modified in a way with the following steps:

  1. build the application
  2. create a zip file containing the application (see image above 2)
  3. create an additional artifact containing the powershell script which is used to setup the VMs (see image above 2)
  4. create and deploy the required azure infrastructure (Azure Scale Set storage account) using IaC (see image above 3)
  5. upload the artifacts from step 2 and 3 to the storage account

IaC (Infrastructure as Code)

Our Azure infrastructure was successfully deployed using a YAML pipeline, specifically utilizing the AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeployment task. This task allows us to define a template, using either an ARM or Bicep file, to create the necessary Azure resources.

As part of this process, we deployed a new subnet within an existing virtual network. This virtual network establishes a connection between Azure and our on-premise network. This newly created subnet is then utilized within the Azure scale set.

Each instance generated by the Azure scale set will automatically adopt an IP address from our defined subnet. Therefore, it’s essential to consider the number of instances you’ll need for your resources upfront, as this will influence the subnet definition.

To enhance flexibility during the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) deployment, we incorporated parameters into the template. These parameters allow for easy adjustments to the Azure resources. For instance, within the parameter section, one can define the subnet range or the base image for the Azure scale set.

Additionally, the IaC template outputs certain values, such as the created resource group, storage account, the URL of blob storage, the container names of the storage account and other data which is required later for uploading for example the artifact to the storage account. Also these outputs can be particularly useful for debugging during the template creation process.

CustomScriptExtension & Storage Account

The deployment of IaC templates is designed to be incremental. This implies that if you modify the IaC template and redeploy it, only the changes will be implemented. However, this process doesn’t always go as planned, and you might encounter a deployment failure with an uninformative error message. In such scenarios, you’ll need to delete the resource group and redeploy the IaC template.

This issue often arises when changes are made to the commandToExecute within the CustomScriptExtension. This commandToExecute is a PowerShell script that is executed during the VM’s creation. Furthermore, alterations to the storage account permissions or Azure scale set properties like osProfile.windowsConfiguration.timezone may require the removal of Azure resources and a redeployment of the IaC template. If these changes are made, the deployment may fail, returning an error message: {"code":"DeploymentFailed","message":"At least one resource deployment operation failed. Please list deployment operations for details.","details":[{"code":"PropertyChangeNotAllowed","target":"windowsConfiguration.timeZone","message":"Changing property 'windowsConfiguration.timeZone' is not allowed."}]}.

Now, let’s return to the discussion on how the CustomScriptExtension and the storage account interact.

To begin with, we’ve configured the storage account and its container to restrict access solely to Azure Managed Identities with the Storage Blob Data Reader role. This ensures that the hosted files are secure and inaccessible to unauthorized entities.

The Azure scale set, equipped with a system-assigned identity, is granted access to the storage account via the Storage Blob Data Reader role. With this setup in place, we can attempt to download the artifacts from the storage account using a VM within the Azure scale set for testing purposes.

Our ultimate goal is to download these artifacts, which include the PowerShell install script, during the VM creation process.

In theory, the CustomScriptExtension should support the direct downloading of artifacts from a storage account. An example of this can be found here. However, I suspect that our storage account’s restriction policy might have hindered this functionality. As a result, I implemented a workaround, which involves acquiring an access token from the Azure scale set to access the storage account.

For guidance on how to do this, refer to “Acquire an access token”. This process is similar to the token acquisition for App Registrations. However, I tried to simplify the process of acquiring the access token, downloading the install script, and executing it on the VM into a single command. This was necessary because the commandToExecute in the CustomScriptExtension is designed to execute only one command.

powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted "$access_token = (curl.exe '' -H Metadata:true -s | ConvertFrom-Json).access_token; 
curl.exe 'https://{YourStoreageaccount}{YourContainerName}/{YourPowershellInstallScriptOnVmCreation}.ps1' -H 'x-ms-version: 2017-11-09' -H ('Authorization: Bearer ' + $access_token) -o {YourPowershellInstallScriptOnVmCreation}.ps1; .\{YourPowershellInstallScriptOnVmCreation}" 

Configuring the Azure Scale Set Instances

Each time a new instance is initiated, a virtual machine (VM) is created using the base image specified in the Azure scale set (for instance, a datacenter-azure-edition-core-smalldisk image). Thanks to the CustomScriptExtension, the Windows image includes a Windows service installed in (C:\Packages\Plugins\Microsoft.Compute.CustomScriptExtension\). This service executes the commandToExecute of the CustomScriptExtension. In our case we should find the script at C:\Packages\Plugins\Microsoft.Compute.CustomScriptExtension\1.9.5\Downloads\1\{YourPowershellInstallScriptOnVmCreation}.ps1. You can verify this by connecting to the VM via Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).

The 1.status file, located in C:\Packages\Plugins\Microsoft.Compute.CustomScriptExtension\1.9.5\Status, should contain the output of the {YourPowershellInstallScriptOnVmCreation}.ps1 script when executed.

The logs of the CustomScriptExtension can be found in C:\WindowsAzure\Logs\Plugins\Microsoft.Compute.CustomScriptExtension\1.9.5\.

The powershell script YourPowershellInstallScriptOnVmCreation.ps1 itself is downloading the application from the storage account and installing it on the VM.

Please check blog for more information about the CustomScriptExtension.

Uploading the artifacts to the storage account

Once the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) template is deployed, the next step is to upload the artifacts (the application and PowerShell script) to the storage account. To do this, we first need the storage account’s URL. Fortunately, we’ve already included the resource group name and storage account name, among other details, in the output of the IaC template deployment.

In the Azure pipeline, we can access the output of the IaC template deployment using the $(ArmOut_rgName) syntax. This can be accomplished using the Azure CLI. The script below demonstrates how to upload the artifacts to the storage account:

Job: DeployIaC

  - task: AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeployment@3
      deploymentScope: 'Subscription'
      deploymentMode: 'Incremental'
      deploymentOutputs: 'ArmOut'

  - pwsh: |
        echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=rgName;isOutput=true]$(ArmOut_rgName)"
    name: outputVars

Job: UploadScripts

- job: deployment
  displayName: 'Upload Script & Application'
  dependsOn: DeployIaC
    - name: 'storageAccountName' 
      value: $[dependencies.DeployIaC.outputs['outputVars.storageAccountName']]
    - name: 'rgName'
      value: $[dependencies.DeployIaC.outputs['outputVars.rgName']]
[... download artifacts]
- task: AzureCLI@2
    displayName: 'Upload Script'
      scriptType: 'pscore'
      scriptLocation: 'inlineScript'
      inlineScript: |
        az config set extension.use_dynamic_install=yes_without_prompt
        az storage azcopy blob upload -c "{YourPowershellInstallScriptOnVmCreation}.ps1" --account-name $(storageAccountName) -s $(Pipeline.Workspace)/Scripts/{YourPowershellInstallScriptOnVmCreation}.ps1

Upgrade policy

The upgrade policy defines how the VMs in the scale set are updated. There are three options:

  • Manual
  • Automatic
  • Rolling

At present, we employ the Manual upgrade policy as our VMs are created daily and operate within a specific timeframe. After this timeframe, all VMs are removed. Consequently, new VMs are recreated, and the application is reinstalled the following day. This approach guarantees that the application remains updated.

If your application operates continuously and frequently receives updates, you might want to consider an upgrade policy other than Manual. In the azure scale set select Instances to check the state of the VMs.

(Fig 4. instances)

If you see a warning sign in the column Latest model you would need to reimage the selected instance to have the VM in the latest state with the latest application version.

However when uploading a new version of your application to the storage account, within the azure pipeline you would need to reimage all VMs in the scale set. This can be done using the azure cli: az vmss update-instances


In conclusion, Azure Scale Sets provide a powerful and flexible solution for managing and scaling applications. By leveraging features like time-based scaling, Custom Script Extensions, and Managed Identities, we were able to create a system that adapts to our application’s specific needs and usage patterns. Remember, the choice of upgrade policy and scaling type should align with your application’s requirements and operational patterns. I’ll be sure to update this article as we continue to explore Azure Scale Sets and their capabilities.

Install linux from hdd - without usb

on Regards: Infrastructure;


Recently, I embarked on a quest to install Linux on my Surface Pro 4. I followed several installation guides specifically tailored for Surface Pro devices. These guides suggested creating a bootable Linux USB, adjusting the UEFI Settings to select either “None” or “Microsoft & 3d-party CA”, and modifying the boot order accordingly.

Despite my best efforts, my Surface Pro 4 refused to boot from the USB and would always default to starting Windows. The cause of this behavior remains a mystery to me. I experimented with various setups, including using different USB sticks and employing different applications to create the bootable Linux USB. However, none of these attempts bore fruit. Even when I accessed GRUB, the bootloader used by Linux, the USB stick was nowhere to be found.

The journey continues as I seek a solution to this intriguing challenge. The goal remains: successfully booting Linux on my Surface Pro 4.

Installing grub2win

Given the persistent issue with the UEFI Settings not loading my USB Linux setup, I decided to install Grub2Win and attempt to load my Linux setup from there. I installed Grub2Win on my Windows machine and disabled the “Microsoft only” option in the UEFI settings under security.

Upon booting into Grub2Win, pressing c opens a bash-like terminal. Using ls displays all existing partitions recognized by Grub. However, Grub also failed to recognize my USB stick.

Create linux setup partition

Given the persistent issues with the USB media, I decided to pivot my approach and use my internal hard disk drive as the installation source. To accomplish this, I first booted into Windows and launched the Disk Management tool using the diskmgmt.msc command.

In the Disk Management interface, I created a new partition on my main hard disk drive and formatted it to FAT32. This new partition would serve as the destination for my Linux setup files.

Next, I copied the content of the USB media to this newly created partition. In my case, this involved extracting the Linux .iso file directly onto the partition.

With the setup files in place, I rebooted my system to Grub2Win, ready to proceed with the Linux installation from the hard disk drive.

Identifying the Linux Setup Partition in Grub

Armed with the ls command, I set out to identify the partition label (hd0,gptx) corresponding to the newly created partition housing my Linux setup files. Knowing the specific folders and files that comprise the Linux setup media can be incredibly helpful in this process.

To locate these files, I executed a series of commands: ls (hd0,gpt7), ls (hd0,gpt6), and so forth. I continued this process until I encountered folders and files that I recognized as part of the Linux setup media.

Once I had identified the correct partition label, I executed the command set root=(hd0,gpt4). This was followed by chainloader /efi/boot/grubx64.efi and boot. These commands instructed Grub to load the Linux setup from the specified partition.

At long last, my Linux setup loaded successfully, and I was able to install Linux on my Surface Pro 4.

The full grub command history can be found here

GNU GRUB version 2.06
Minimal BASH- like line editing is supported. For the first word, TAB lists possible command completions. Anywhere else TAB lists possible device or file completions. ESC at any time exits.

grub> ls
(hd0) (hd0 ,gpt7) (hd0 ,gpt6) (hd0 ,gpt5) (hd0 ,gpt4) (hd0,gpt3) (hd0 ,gpt2) (hd0,gpt1)
grub> ls (hd0 ,gpt7)
error: unknown filesystem.
grub> ls (hd0,gpt6)/ lost+found/ boot/ etc/ media/
grub> ls (hd0,gpt5)/
$AttrDef $BadClus $Bitmap $B00t $Extend/ $LogFile $MFT $MFTMirr $Secure $UpCase $Volume Recovery/ System volume Information/
grub> ls (hd0,gpt4)/
System Volume Information/ efi/ README.html README.mirrors.html README.mirrors.txt README.source readme.txt autorun.inf boot/ css/ dists/ doc/ firrmuare/ g21dr g21dr.rnbr install/ install.amd/ isolinux/ md5sum.txt pics/ pool/ setup.exe tools/ win32-loader.ini [BOOT]/ $recycle.bin/
grub> set root=(hd0,gpt4)
grub> chainloader /efi/boot/grubx64.efi
file path: /ACPI(a0341d0,0)PCI(0,1c)/PCI(0,0)/UknownMessaging(17)
HD (4 , 133e8000 , 108fOOO , b68981S490382e41 , 2 , 2) File ( \efi\boot )/File(grubx64.efi)

After the linux setup is complete one can delete the temporary created linux setup partition.


Using Azure Key vault with AzureDevOps

on Regards: Azure; Infrastructure;

Connect Azure Key vault with AzureDevOps

As part of my ongoing efforts to enhance security and streamline processes, I’ve embarked on a project to migrate my credentials to Azure Key Vault. This move is a significant step towards centralizing and securing sensitive data. I’ve already made substantial progress, having established a service connection in Azure DevOps to Azure. You can learn more about this process in my previous post, see here.

For my legacy build pipelines I stored my certificates and secrets under Library / Variable groups and Secure files.

Switching to the Azure Key vault is fairly easy. You only need to create a new Variable group under Library. I named the variable group resize-image.Then select Link secrets from an Azure key vault as variables and choose the previously created service principal (AzureDevOpsKeyVaultServiceConnection see here).

Afterwards, enter or select the name of your Azure Key Vault. Then, click on +Add under the Variables section. A dialog box will appear, displaying all the secrets and certificates stored in your key vault. From this list, you can select which secrets and certificates you want to make accessible under the Variable group you created.

(Fig 1. variable group)

The next step is to “integrate” the created variable group in the *.yml pipeline by adding the group group: resize-image to variables.

- group: resize-image

Now you can access the secret resizeappcenterid with $(resizeappcenterid). When you try to display the secrets using echo or a similar command you will only see *** in order to not be exposed (it’s a security feature).

Since I needed to sign my code with a certificate I had to adjust the task which downloaded the certificate from the legacy task secure files. I didn’t know how to use the certificate directly from the variable group, so I decided to write a powershell script which will download the certificate from the azure Key vault and convert it to a *.pfx file. In the pipeline you need to use the task AzurePowerShell (Using AzureCLI will not work as the command Get-AzKeyVaultSecret will result in unknown cmdlet).

The task itself looks like the following:

- task: AzurePowerShell@5
  displayName: 'Download certificate & install'
    azurePowerShellVersion: 'LatestVersion'
    azureSubscription: 'KeyVaultServiceConnection'
    ScriptType: 'InlineScript'
    Inline: |     
      #the name of the key vault
      #the certificate name
      #the path to the certificate (required in the next steps)
      #create a pipeline variable so it can be used in the next tasks
      Write-Host $certFilePath
      Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=certFilePath]$certFilePath"

      Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Security
      #get certificate from azure
      #$secret=az keyvault secret show -n $certname --vault-name $keyvaultname
      $secret = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $keyvaultname -Name $certname
      #convert secret to byte array
      $pass = $secret.SecretValue | ConvertFrom-SecureString
      $bstr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($secret.SecretValue);
      $PlainTextString = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($bstr);
      $secretByte = [Convert]::FromBase64String($PlainTextString)
      $x509Cert = new-object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2
      #import certificate
      $x509Cert.Import($secretByte, "", "Exportable,PersistKeySet")
      echo "imported"
      #store the pfx file
      Set-Content -Path $certFilePath -Value $exportedpfx -Encoding Byte

The *.pfx file is now ready to use for code signing. In uwp this can look like the following


When running into problems in the build pipeline always examine the log and error message and try to reproduce it on your local device using the powershell command line.

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